Monday, June 09, 2008

Catholic Mass, amazing foot massage, and taking pictures of Gypsies...

Well, I took the plunge. I joined my boss this morning for a Mass at the big church here in town. The most remarkable thing is that I did not turn into a Catholic! In fact, I got a lot out of the message, which had a lot to do with faith, searching for it, and not thinking that when we have it, it is enough to keep it the same. Faith must grow and change with my life and sobriety. It was no surprise to find that the young Padre who led the mass is a recovering alcoholic himself. His homily sounded a lot like Step 11...

Afterwards I went to lunch for a 'Big Mac' but at a local joint, not MacDonald's. I always make this mistake...Whenever I try to eat something vaguely American overseas, it is not the same. In this case, they don't use beef for the burger meat, but rather unseasoned ground pork, which made the sandwich resemble a large breakfast sausage pattie on an over sized bun. Never again. I'll stick to the local food, as I have always tried. The more it tries to be like home, the farther away it really is. Tonight it's cevapi and pomfrits with salad.

Tomorrow I head back to Mostar for a meeting at the Social Services office and then to the banks of the Neretva River and the Gypsy encampment. I have been assured that picture taking is not only allowed but encouraged. I am hoping for a lot of wonderful shots...Right now I am off to a picture printing place to have some shots of a young man's club foot printed off for the doctors to see...



Blogger Aravis said...

I'm not surprised by your experience at the church. Every once in awhile I'll attend a service with my family on a holiday. I try to do what you did- listen for that message instead of judging what I hear. There's always something there.

That meal sounds unpalatable. What's cevapi?

Good luck with your Social Services meeting, and with your trip to the gypsy encampment!

12:07 AM  

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