Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Tuesday, with sun and haiku...

My mom is at the garage this morning having her AC recharged. This is fine, as it gives me some time here without her. I'll probably be heading out for lunch with a good friend before mom returns so I won't see her until this afternoon sometime. Meanwhile a friend of hers called and needed to know what today was, as in 'Tuesday'. This would have been funny had it not been so sad. As we age, the body and mind begin to fail us. Why? In his book "Jitterbug Perfume", Tom Robbins postulates that it is a combination of diet, exercise, mental outlook, hottubs, and sexual energy. A healthy diet, a good daily walk, a positive and relaxed mental attitude, daily tubbing, and lots of passionate nookie fool the body and mind into thinking it's younger than it is, hence, longevity, etc...The body has habits, and aging is one of them. Habits can be broken.

Here's some more haiku for the day. I must say I am thoroughly enjoying 'Haiku Tuesday', as well as the other days that I blog, but this one in particular.

Acre and acre
planted with peaches and plums,
not yet harvested.

The flower garden
in the early spring, is full
of winters remains.

'Hope' is a nomad,
a hitchhiker, wandering,
knocking on my door.

Have a lovely day, all who read this. And if you do read this, please make a comment, even just a nod to let me know that you stopped by.



Blogger Aravis said...

The combined theme of this week's haiku seems to be transition and potential.

I loved the imagery of the first. I could almost taste it.

The second filled me with guilt because my garden desperately needs weeding again. It talks to me in accusing tones every time I walk past.

The third perhaps touched me most deeply on a personal level.

2:15 AM  

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