Saturday, December 22, 2007

To the city and back again...

I visited my father and his wife the other day in The Big City. I was mentally, spiritually, and emotionally prepared. It was a very nice 24 hours with them. The weather was good, the food was edible, the conversations were civil, and I didn't rankle when they engaged in their personal obsession about weight gain/loss, exercise, etc...This is an example,
Pop: So, do you have a scale?
Me: Nope.
Pop: You mean you don't weigh yourself?
Me: Nope.

'Nuff said about his obsessive compulsive attitude towards weight, weight gain, and working out.

We exchanged gifts, and then I left Friday on the train back home. It was good to be home. The Big City was pretty crazy.

Our Christmas tree is up and mom and I will decorate it tomorrow. I have photographic news, and other stuff too, but I am suddenly feeling the non-blogging bug. So much to say and no words to describe it.

"Grey's Anatomy" is driving me crazy. I have just finished Season 3. I have been told by some actual hospital pros that the scenarios are not far off the mark. Let's just hope they wash their hands.

I am starting "Dexter" tonight. If you don't know it's the show with Michael C. Hall of "6 Feet Under" fame playing a forensics expert who becomes a serial killer. It's supposed to be gruesome and funny, if those two words can be combined.

I'm off to dinner with friends and then a meeting. La-di-da...I need coffee...



Blogger Aravis said...

I'm glad that you were able to have a decent time with your father, despite the tensions.

Let me know about "Dexter." It has interested me since it aired, but I don't get that channel so I couldn't watch. I'd like to know what you think.

I'm also interested in hearing your news, when you're ready to share it.

2:56 AM  

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