Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Dog days--ARRFF, they said...

Another hot one in the old town tonight. Last night I went downstairs to let my cat in. It was 12:45am. It was also still 82*. The air was just plain thick. Poor Miss Kitty was so confused as to what to do. Either stay outside and be hot, or come inside and be hot. Granted the activity outside was rife with stalking possibilities, but she settled on inside, water, cat food, and a cool stretch out on the floor for a little snooze. I did the same, but woke up feeling hot and slimy and in need of a cool shower. I almost felt as if I had been drinking all night.

These are definitely the days to take it slow, drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids, and try not to exert yourself too much. People on the road tend to be a little bit more stressed out, or maybe it's just me. ;-) Whatever is going to happen, will, with or without my being there.

Right now I have a bag of Birdseye frozen sweet peas on my head. Right on top. It feels great. I can feel my whole body beginning to cool down and I really wish I could go out and about and feel just as comfy, but...maybe no one would say anything because they wouldn't know what to say. It would be like the Douglas Adams theory of Somebody Elses Business. Such a strange thing as a man walking around with a bag of frozen peas on his head is too absurd for the mind to comprehend, so to risk being a fool by asking about it or pointing it out would never cross peoples minds. Thus I would be invisible.

It has suddenly grown very dark and cloudy. The wind has picked up. It is supposed to rain, but the temperature (90*) hasn't dropped yet. The birds have stopped singing.

I think the peas are beginning to thaw.



Blogger Aravis said...

"...but she settled on inside, water, cat food, and a cool stretch out on the floor for a little snooze. I did the same, but woke up feeling hot and slimy and in need of a cool shower. I almost felt as if I had been drinking all night."

Did you really stretch out on the cool floor too? That could account for feeling as if you'd been drinking the night before! *G*

As for the heat today and your Birdseye frozen peas, I suspect people would have looked at you and felt nothing so much as pure jealousy. A younger, feistier person might have even robbed you of it. ;0)

12:27 AM  

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