Friday, September 30, 2005

Doom: Update...

Despite my living in the wreckage of the future this morning, my day has turned out quite well. I went to the gym and had a great workout. The noon meeting was amazing, with so many friends celebrating their sobriety that it really got me out of myself for a spell. What I heard was reassuring , most importantly that I am not the only one to go through these moments of self-doubt and fear. That I heard this from someone with 25 years of sobriety behind him was comforting. The miracle was, that throughout the entire episode, I did not even think about drinking. This is truly amazing. What I did was open my mouth and talk to people about how I was feeling.

The longer I stay sober, the more astounded I become at this marvelous new life ahead of me. I will try to take the advice of Aravis who reminded me to not analyze things too much, relax, and have some fun. Damn if she isn't right. I am one serious guy most of the time. I can get so wrapped up in what I think is important that I miss the whole point: to live.

So, anyway, I left the noon meeting feeling much better, went home, made an amends to those involved, and tried to get some work done on my philosophy paper. No luck. I realized that I was exhausted, so I lay down and napped for about 3 hours. I'll finish my paper tomorrow and start on the homework for my writing class on Sunday.

I don't have to solve all of my puzzles today.



Blogger Aravis said...

I'm so glad that your day improved. I enjoy it so when you're happy. I don't know if you realize how far you've come, but since we've re-connected after you returned home, you've grown so much. You're a real pleasure to talk to, and I wanted you to know that.

Have a wonderful day!

12:41 AM  

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