Thursday, April 06, 2006

And the walls come tumblin' down...

Isn't it great? I mean, if you haven't read or heard the news by now, you will. Scooter Libby has decided to not be the fall guy after all and has named Cheney as the man who told him to leak secret info to the press and that Bush approved the order. Ha! I hope they get what they freakin' deserve. I can hear Dickey's ticker clacking away as we speak. Poor, Shrub. He's probably swilling vanilla extract in the broom closet of the White House kitchen and shitting his pants.

Also...Alberto Gonzalez has told the investigators that Bush's warrantless spying program applied to communication within the US as well as calls from the outside.

If I were Condi Rice I'd stay on the airplane and fly right home to Birmingham.

These geese are getting cooked. I think they should string up the lot of 'em for treason on the mall in D.C.

Oh, happy day!



Blogger Aravis said...

A part of me is as excited as you are. But another, more cynical, part of me says that they'll squirm their way off this hook too like the worms they are.

Here's hoping you're right though! I'll do such a happy dance that might cats won't come out of hiding for a week! *G*

2:44 AM  

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