Monday, October 16, 2006

A bit of an update....

This morning I unplugged my large laptop, reset the monitor setup for the little Averatec I have, and proceeded to bring the old unit to the shop for an overhaul. Everything was fine, until I suddenly realized, during the drive home, that the paper I have been writing, and hoped to hand in tomorrow before I go away for a week, is in that PC, and not backed-up on my flashdrives...dammit! I'm not worried about losing it, but this means instead of handing the thing in on time, with me out of the country, I will have to wait until I get home, pick up the unit next Wednesday, hook it all back up, edit the paper, etc...and then the thing will be late.


Oh well. I've emailed my prof and related the scenario, and hopefully my 'A' average will serve me well and help with an extension. I'm not worried, but the fact is that I had it all figured out, and it was going to be so smooth....Step Three acts like a street cop and tells me to "Move along, nothing to see here...".

Tomorrow I head off to Spain and another International AA Convention. AA has booked the entire seaside resort of Tossa de Mar on the Costa Brava for a week. All the major hotels are completely full with sober drunks from all across continental Europe and elsewhere. I won't be the only Yank in the crowd, but I doubt there will be many of us. I am very excited and will not pack until tomorrow morning. I have everything I will be taking, however. I'll be sure to update from a cybercafe...

I read this quote from e.e. cummings the other day and thought I'd share it with you all...

"To be Nobody-But-Yourself--in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else--means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting."

I like that a lot.



Blogger Aravis said...

I had to chuckle a little over the computer even as I groaned in sympathy. I think most of us have done something like that. Here's hoping the professor understands...

...and again, have a wonderful trip! It all sounds amazing.

That quote describes the struggle beautifully.

12:07 AM  

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