Friday, April 06, 2007

feeling better, detaching with love...

Just a quick one--I have to buckle down and get some work done. Yesterday proved to be a fruitless day for homework, but I rested, and finally my appetite returned. I was on the mend! I also had the best night's sleep in almost 4 days last night, which left me feeling good this morning.

I woke up to the fears, anxieties, and regrets of the alcoholic in denial and struggling to manage a life without the tools or knowledge of how to use them. For this I practice quiet detachment and the Three Cs--
I didn't Cause it, can't Control it, can't Cure it. So I let it go.

I have been watching 'Firefly', the Joss Wheddon show set in a 500 year future. I really love the sci-fi/cowboy-western combo, and I'm sorry that it never went beyond one season and a TV movie.

Anyway, back to the EU...



Blogger Aravis said...

I'm glad you're feeling better, and able to practice that quiet detachment. Getting well a little at a time, eh?

11:41 PM  

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