Monday, July 09, 2007

New things and so forth...

I haven't posted ion a while, and I apologize, but that's just the way things go. All's well, but I am very busy with school, the home life, and a reluctant and, I think, somewhat dim sponsee.

Last night before the meeting I was working a crossword puzzle with a friend, and doing well, I might add. At one point The Sponsee says, "Did you ever think of going on "Jeopardy"? I said no, and asked why. His response was that I would probably do well because "my brain is clogged up with useless trivia and knowledge." I told him that so far any knowledge I may have has not been useless, which ended the conversation.

I mean, really. What an idiot. Still, I have to turn this over as well and pretend it never happened. He's a sick person, really, incredibly coddled as an only child with not much in terms of social skills. Plus he's on pain meds, which, while they are controlled as a time release patch, are upsetting his brain and thinking. In fact, his brain is probably the organ that is clogged.

He's supposed to call in 3 minutes to check in, at which point I will force him to read pages 63-64 of the Big Book.



Blogger Aravis said...

How did the forced reading go? Good luck!

12:21 AM  

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