Sunday, August 14, 2005

Reading, building, playing, writing...

If I had been born in during The Renaissance I would have been considered a great mind. This, of course, is all grandiose thinking, but there are some factors to explain my logic.

1. I read a great deal of 'stuff', be it fiction, poetry, nonfiction, history, etc...In preparing for travel I study up on geography and language.

2. I love to build intricate and detailed models of things and design my own flying aircraft.

3. I write and play my own music. Some people have said that it's actually pretty good to excellent.

4. I write poetry and keep a sporadic journal.

5. I strive to learn new disciplines, hence my reason for going back to school.

6. If I put my mind to it, I can paint a picture or draw something artistic. I know this because I took an art class for a year and a half while I was in jail. Maybe I'll put up some of my work someday. Unfortunately I cannot draw a perfect circle to save my life.

These parts of my personality all point to one conclusion...

I am the reincarnation of Leonardo da Vinci.

...yeah, right!

Now it's time for X-files. I think that I goof-off better than da Vinci, that's for sure!



Blogger Aravis said...

Yes, I enjoyed this post. I was just feeling distracted the other day. :0)

11:59 PM  

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