Thursday, August 18, 2005

Another missed day...

I apologize for seeming to be a lazy blogger, but I missed yesterdays entry...Oh well...

I brought Sweetie Pie to the vet yesterday to be spayed, and to have her nails trimmed. This was all done at a very well respected vet nearby. All went well but the whole day I was worried that something horrible would happen, like they would de-claw her or something. We had a kitten years ago who dies during her 'operation', but that is a rare case. I worried needlessly. I picked her up this morning and brought her home. She licked her scar for a while, but has since stopped doing that. She was pretty cranky when I got her home, but she has settled right back in to her pre-estrus routine of sleeping, eating, and being such a sweetie pie that she has earned her name. She will remain indoors for about a week and I'll keep a watch on the incision for redness or infection.

My mom has gone to Maine for the week, so it is just the 2 of us here.

I had so many relevant things to write about, but suddenly there is nothing...

Oh well, so it goes.



Blogger Aravis said...

Glad Sweetie Pie survived relatively intact and that she has chosen to forgive you rather than get even. *G*

12:01 AM  

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